Did you hear the news? Paso Robles is on the Top 30 places to visit in 2020. See background below and the attached press release. It’s another great accolade for our region. Please share with your friends, clients and customers. Also encourage them to vote in the Reader’s Choice Awards: https://travellemming.com/emerging-destinations-vote/.
Congrats to everyone making Paso what it is today!
From Danna Stroud Executive Director of Travel Paso: Below is a link to a recognition awarded Paso Robles today by Travel Lemming.com - a network of travel media influencers from around the globe who identify must-see/emerging destinations on an annual basis. For 2020, Paso Robles is one of the 30 global destinations identified as "truly incredible but under appreciated destinations" to visit.
Our colleagues at Visit California included Paso Robles on a list provided when approached by Travel Lemming for the best trending destinations in California. As noted in the selection, Paso was the only one from California chosen and one of four destinations in the U.S. It's a strong indication the work we've done the past 18 months to build awareness of Paso with the Visit California staff and their global network has been working.
Attached is the press release with the announcement. Please feel free to share among your respective staff and industry colleagues. Everyone contributes to the experience Paso delivers!
Thank you for your ongoing support and engagement with Travel Paso!